Original Art for Sale

Explore my latest collection of available original artworks.


An exercise in letting go, an opportunity for others.

It is with great pleasure that I open this new section of original artworks, aimed at all my loyal followers, those who have tirelessly supported me, and new clients visiting for the first time. After numerous requests and questions about whether I had original artworks for sale, I feel the time has come to fulfill those wishes expressed by many of you.

This act represents a profound exercise in detachment for me. The decision to sell works to which I have a special and personal attachment has not been easy. However, as part of a personal process of letting go and remaining true to my artistic purpose, I have decided to share these creations with all of you.

Each of these pieces holds an extraordinarily special sentimental value to me. This section is a slice of my history and evolution as an artist. They are works that marked a milestone in my career, each one holding significant meaning and playing an important role in my life.

I invite you to discover this unique collection, where you will find not just art but pieces of my creative journey, moments immortalized on canvas that have shaped who I am as an artist today.

I will be gradually updating this section with more original material, so I recommend you stay tuned. Everything you will find here is material produced over the last decade. Throughout this year, I plan to incorporate new works, even offering the possibility of a pre-sale. But that will come later. I will be informing you through social media about these updates. Incredible changes are happening this year, and I am eager to reveal them. However, as is well known, I prefer not to announce anything publicly until it is fully realized.