What’s up, motherfuckers? It’s your boy, Jules Winnfield, kicking back in a chair at a bar called “Tiki & Fury,” a place that’s just as goddamn cool as its name. I’ve got a cocktail in hand that might win an award for the ridiculous number of paper umbrellas jammed into it. And in the background, James Brown is setting the mood with his classic “Get on the Good Foot,” while the sun’s shining in my face, reminding me there’s more to life than meditating on a mountaintop.
Alright, listen up, motherfuckers! This is Jules Winnfield, and I gotta tell ya, today was supposed to be my day off. It was a scorching hot day, the sun blazing in a clear blue sky, not a damn cloud in sight. I was chillin’ in the backyard pool, sprawled out on a floaty chair with cup holders, catching some sun. Got my whisky on the rocks in one holder, my phone in the other, just livin’ the good life. Nearby, a stunning black woman was cooking up a barbecue that smelled like heaven. Life was good.
This is Jules Winnfield, driving through Los Angeles on one of those errands for Marsellus Wallace. I was on my way to pick up some money and make a drop at a laundromat in Englewood. On the radio was “Bullwinkle Part II” from the album “Surfers Pajama Party U.S. Release”, when I got a call from Saturno. He asked if I had stopped by Joe’s record store to pick up his Jimmy Castor Bunch LP, that single “Just Begun”. I said not yet, and then I asked him how he was doing. Well, that was all it took for him to unload this whole rant about Instagram and the problems independent artists are facing.
Imagine you’re a fucking independent artist. You’ve got the weirdest fucking job in the world and you’re out here alone in this fucking digital jungle with no help from anyone. You’ve got to pay dues, take on responsibilities, and try to show your art to the whole damn world with your hands tied. All this shit while trying not to lose your mind, because if you do anything else, you can’t focus fully on your art and you can’t improve or become the best in your field.
Read MorePainting on the iconic wall in the neighborhood where I started graffiti in 1994. I am sharing the wall with Radic, a member of my first crew, 972.
It’s a Friday night in the summer. My parents are finishing dinner, the TV is on, the lights are off, and the windows are open. I’m getting my backpack ready: a few spray cans, my blackbook, and I’m about to head out the door. I tell them goodbye and they remind me not to be too late. I’m 14 years old and my friends are waiting for me at the neighborhood stairs to go out painting. We’re at a wall by a marina, barely visible under the faint light, the only sound in the distance is the shaking of spray cans by my friends. No one disturbs us, no one watches us; the moment is perfect.
Read MoreThe Art of Surfing Life: Reflections from an Artist
Ferran Adrià, a world-renowned chef, has made his mark not only in the kitchen but also in academia. Since 2010, he has been collaborating with Harvard University, teaching courses on innovation and creativity in cooking. His work at Harvard focuses on the deconstruction of culinary processes and their application in other disciplines, demonstrating that cooking is both an art and a science.
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Acrylic Painting Masterclass
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What to Look for in Fine Art Prints
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Hello everyone! Today, I want to talk about something crucial: the importance of having a good photo when creating a Giclée print.
The painting is an allegory of life and time, filled with symbolism and carefully thought-out details:
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Listen up, there are still 70 hours left to join this triumph.
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Seven Years in the Making: Unveiling My Biographical Book

My Biographical Book is Here

Look, Let Me Tell You Something:
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Got a minute? I spent some time diving into something we all deal with: those sour comments on social media. If you've ever wondered how to handle them without losing your cool, you might want to check out my latest post.
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You've often asked me about my method for inking in black and the markers I choose for adding color to my works. I want to share this aspect of my creative process with you today. From my beginnings with STAEDTLER Pigment Liner markers to the discovery of Pentel markers, it has been a turning point in my work.
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The Value of Your Brand
Have you ever faced the dilemma of adapting your art to meet commercial demands without betraying your principles? In my latest post, "Reflections on Personal Branding: A No-Nonsense Perspective," I tackle this challenge from the very essence of being an artist. Discover how I've managed to maintain my originality and increase the value of my work in a world that rewards conformity, all while preserving my identity.
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In my latest blog entry, I delve into a question sparking considerable debate in the art and technology sphere: Are generative artificial intelligences plagiarizing artists?
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The Art of Listening: Self-Knowledge and Creative Expression
¨The Art of Listening: Self-Knowledge and Creative Expression¨
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Just in Time.
Here I am, diving into this new blog adventure with my second post, and truth be told, I want to take this opportunity to chat a bit more about this whole thing of why I'm here writing to you. You see, this path I've embarked on, of opening up and communicating in a different way with you, didn't just come out of nowhere. It's been a rollercoaster of situations, reflections, and, let's not sugarcoat it, some frustrations too.
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