No empecé a pintar para que me entendieran. Lo hice porque lo necesitaba. Si quieres saber de dónde viene todo esto, te lo cuento aquí.
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In my last blog post, I shared the full interview I had with Josef Ajram. If you missed it, you can check it out there. The conversation was in Spanish, but you can always turn on subtitles if you want to watch it.
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Bajo la lluvia de un viernes, me dirigí a Sitges con un destino claro: Corner4art. Un lugar donde el arte, la ilustración y el coleccionismo cobran vida. Entre piezas icónicas, conocí a Sergio y Mafer Rincón, y ahora tengo en mis manos una joya firmada por el maestro Sanjulian. Te cuento la experiencia aquí.
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Por las mañanas me gusta salir a caminar, sobre todo si tengo que ponerme a pintar; me aclara las ideas. Pero lo más destacado de salir a caminar es que me permite ordenar mi jornada. Pensar en medio de la naturaleza es un lujo para algunos que no pueden tener el privilegio de vivir prácticamente en la montaña. Yo la tengo a dos minutos.
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Vivimos en un sistema podrido. Un sistema donde la calidad ha pasado a un segundo plano y la clave del "éxito" radica en ser omnipresente, en estar en todos lados, en ser lo suficientemente viral como para que una legión de borregos digitales asuma que, si te ven en todas partes, es porque eres bueno. Y no, no eres bueno. Eres una máquina de hacer contenido pre-masticado para un público sin criterio.
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Cuando el arte venía en un sobre de Bollycao: Por qué las ilustraciones hechas a mano siguen teniendo un valor que la tecnología no puede replicar.
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Cuando opinas, molestas. Cuando piensas diferente, incomodas. Pero callar no es una opción. Aquí te cuento por qué sigo diciendo lo que creo, aunque a algunos les arda.
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Todos nos hemos equivocado alguna vez, pero no todos sabemos admitirlo. En este correo te cuento cómo un error casi me cuesta una relación importante y lo que aprendí de ello.
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Durante años, nos han contado una historia parcial, pero ¿qué pasaría si LA VERDAD fuera diferente? España, la conquista y la Leyenda Negra no son lo que te han hecho creer. No busco imponerte una idea, sino mostrarte HECHOS para que saques tus propias conclusiones.
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Remember *Gremlins*? As long as they stayed dry, everything was fine. But spill a little water, and all hell broke loose.
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I'm looking at the picture again. Ghostface Killah holding my book. Let me repeat: Ghostface Killah, a member of Wu-Tang Clan, holding MY book in his hands. If you had told me this in 1995, when I was painting my room with "Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)" playing in the background, I would have laughed in your face. But here we are.
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Being an independent artist means more than just creating—it’s about making sure your work reaches the right people. Talent isn’t enough; you have to take action, explore opportunities, and step outside your comfort zone. In this post, I share my thoughts on the importance of movement, connection, and persistence, along with a personal experience of putting my work into the hands of those I admire.
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I’m sitting here, scrolling through Instagram while Moonlight by Kali Uchis plays in the background. I was thinking about sharing my odyssey with the release of my book, the shipments, the setbacks, and everything that has come with it.
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Why do we get upset when we don’t achieve what we want? Often, behind that frustration lies the weight of our expectations. This raises the question: are we truly working towards something that fulfills us, or are we just chasing a goal imposed from outside?
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I’m thrilled to announce the release of my new book, The Creative Threat: AI and the Future of Art, where I delve into a topic that many are curious about, yet few artists are truly engaging with: the role of Artificial Intelligence in the creative process.
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In a quiet residential neighborhood typical of San Francisco, where Victorian-style wooden houses stand in muted tones, the streets are calm as night falls. One of these homes, simple yet full of character, gives off a warm glow from the attic. That soft light, pulsing like a heartbeat, casts a faint glow through the top window. Inside, a young artist is deep in his own world, surrounded by relics of his universe: posters of Critters and Gremlins, album covers from Iron Maiden, and stacks of cassette tapes from Ice T and Metallica. Shelves barely hold the weight of his comics and action figures, all adding to the vibrant chaos of his sanctuary.
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Imagine we are in the era when photography is beginning to emerge. We are traditional artists—painters and poster designers—who spend hours creating detailed images for advertisements and movies. Suddenly, this new technology appears, allowing images to be captured in an instant. The initial reaction is skepticism and rejection. "Is this art?" we ask ourselves. "Can a machine replace the artist's eye and hand?"
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For this special Halloween edition, the print will be available for only 48 hours, from October 29, 2024, at 11:00 AM (PT) in California and 7:00 PM (CET) in Spain, ending on October 31, 2024, at 11:00 AM (PT) / 7:00 PM (CET) , This is a highly limited edition based on time, with only the prints sold during this period being available. Created to celebrate the Halloween spirit, it’s ideal for those who appreciate my work and want to add this unique piece to their collection.
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After months of hard work and following all the steps we promised during our Kickstarter campaign, I’m excited to announce that Saturno, Lights and Shadows is nearly finished. We are in the final stages, and everything is progressing according to the timeline we shared.
Después de meses de arduo trabajo y siguiendo todos los pasos que prometimos durante nuestra campaña de Kickstarter, me emociona anunciar que Saturno, Lights and Shadows está casi terminado. Estamos en las etapas finales y todo progresa según el cronograma que compartimos.
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